Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Summary about "Other Worlds"

The book that I finished reading is called "Other Worlds" by Jon scieszka. This book is a mixture of mini stories that different authors wrote. Jon just put them all together to make one whole big story. The book was ok but I thought it was going to be better. Some of the mini stories were boring and some of the were kinda interesting. The stories were just made up stories. They were also about different genres like medieval times or like someone made one that is called "Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo."Some of the stories are silly because it's just a change of topic. If I was told to make a project then I couldn't make one because it isn't about one topic. I also really didn't understand a lot of things that are from the book.
I would recommend this to people who like to read short stories but, if you are told to make a project then don't get this book. I think that this is like a side book that you read whenever you would like. This isn't such a hard book but it is confusing. It changes every single time. It's kinda like chapters but not really.

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