Friday, October 17, 2014

"Call of Duty"

I read a article called "Call of Duty" and I really liked it because it is about a man named Jose Armenta in the army that has a dog named Zenith that helps him find bombs that are planted in the ground. They were one day searching for bombs in Afghanistan and then they found some bombs. They were finding many but the worst things possible happened, he stepped on one and it blew up. He was worrying about his dog the most instead of his own health. He lost a leg and he was sent home. He didn't get to keep his dog and he was really sad because he really wanted to see his dog. The dog was reassigned to another man in the army. He wanted his dog back so he would do anything to get him back. What he did was fill out so much paper work and this took forever. Finally after about a year he finally got to go to the army base in California and get his dog back. He was the happiest man on Earth because of that.     I can really relate to this because one time  was living in a regular house and then one day i found out we had to move to an apartment and there were no animals aloud. I was devastated and we had to give him away to one of my dads friends. Then 1 year later we were going somewhere but didn't know where and it turned out we were going to his friends house to get our dog back because we were moving to a house again because I could finally see my dog again. I wonder how the dog felt after not seeing him again, like did Zenith really miss him or was he just like "oh who are you?" This still keeps me wondering how Jose can live with a fake leg. Can he run around with Zenith or is Zenith just chase a ball and give it to Jose. Anyways i think Jose is a real caring man because he worried about his dog instead of his self. 

1 comment:

  1. Great comments, Jesse! I love your connection, too! Do you still have that same dog?
